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【學務處】106學年度請同學上網填報-住宿聯絡資料 Please be sure to complete the accommodation information
106學年度請同學上網填報-住宿聯絡資料 Please be sure to complete the accommodation information


  1. 106學年新學期開始,為保障同學權益,請同學至本校學生校內、外住宿狀況調查系統--學生輸入頁面」填報(已填報者檢查或修正)個人住宿聯絡資料(由學校首頁-在校學生-生活資訊進入,網址:並以學號、選課密碼登入系統頁面。
  2. 首先請檢查或填寫家長與緊急聯絡同學(以同住或要好同學為主),再正確選擇住宿類別(1.戶籍地、2.親友家、3.學校宿舍、4.校外賃居、5.其他、6.住自宅等)。
  3. 居住狀況選取1.戶籍地、3.住學校宿舍者,「免填居住地址欄位資料」。
  4. 居住狀況選項選取2.親友家、4.校外賃居 5.其他、6.住自宅者,「請填寫住宿地址資料」。
  5. 於校外賃居之同學,在完成住宿資料填報後,請繼續填報住屋自我評核
  6. 若您尚未確認住宿地點,請於確認住宿地址後儘速上述網址填報。
  7. 為維護同學居住安全,學務處將持續管制住宿聯絡資料填報狀況,請同學務必完成填報。



Dear All:

1. Fall semester 2017 is coming, for the protection of interests of the students, please search the website as below and fill out the personal accommodations contact information. The website for the search:

2. After logging in the website by the student number and password, please make the right choice of accommodation categories (eg,living in school, renting outside, living with relatives, and others), and be sure to fill out the emergency contact classmates (to live with or best friend) and residential address.

3. The students who live outside of the campus, please be sure to complete the accommodation information and the self-assessment of housing.

4. In order to protect the students’ residential security, Student Affairs will continue to track your contact information, please be sure to complete it.

 Thank you for your cooperation.


Office of Student Affairs

