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【學務處公告】新生在校健康檢查報告通知~Searching Medical Reporting Process
參加本校健檢的同學請自行上網下載健康檢查報告!! Searching Medical Reporting Process Dear NDHU students, if you are 104 year freshman. please to check the E-learning to search your medical Reporting Step of internet access. To check your report online after one month: NDHU website address( → students → school personal information → e-learning curriculum vitae System → enter your account and password → checkup results → enter the student number 【If you are foreign students, overseas Chinese students or Chinese students, please enter N+ student ID (ex: N10309000)】 → enter the password (Your birthdat date:MMDD, ex: Jan. 01=0101) (If you change the password after the first login, be sure to remember the new password.)
Office of Student Affairs health center care about your health 瀏覽數